artist: ดีเกฮูลูคณะยูโซะ บ่อทอง (yusoh bothong dikir hulu)
album: วิทยาลัยดุริยางคศิลป์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล พ.ศ. 2550 (college of music, mahidol university, 2007)
01. ตาโบะห์ บานอ (โหมโรง) (taboh banor (homrong))
02. ปันตนดีเกฮูลู (pantun dikir hulu)
03. กาโร๊ะห์บูกอยาแล (ไหว้ครู) (karoh buko jalae (wai khru))
04. ยูวาปาดี (ขายข้าวสาร) (juwa padee (selling rice))
05. ฮูแยรีติ ตูโรงปาฆี (ฝนตกพรำๆยามเช้า) (hujae riti turong pagee (morning drizzle))
06. เมาะบางา (mah ba nga)
07. บัรตือมาสอ (เมื่อไรเราจะได้อยู่ดวงกัน) (bartuemasor (when will we be together?))
08. บือนาสารัง (เก็บไว้ในดวงใจ) (buenasarang (save in my heart))
09. กาโร๊ะห์แยะคีปาแย (karoh yaekee payae)
10. กาโร๊ะห์วาบูแล (karoh wabulae)
sorry it's been so long, just got back from a trip to malaysia & singapore! traveling by land mostly, we made a few stops in thailand's south, so i thought it would be nice to share some fantastic music from that region. yusoh bothong & his group are from pattani in the deep south and play a style known as dikir hulu, meaning "northern-style liké" (northern, because many in thailand's border provinces consider themselves northern malays, rather than southern thais). like central thai liké, dikir hulu is typically a community event centered around a musical stage show, although this album features a 2007 performance yusoh & his group gave at mahidol university in bangkok. after the overture & wai khru, yusoh leads the troupe through a selection of beautiful old dikir hulu tunes from his childhood, sung in the thai-malay jawi language. he's joined in spots by singers ma padiyo & yalee kayae from narathiwat, with an excellent musical backing of frame drums, gongs & assorted other percussion. wonderful stuff, hope you enjoy as well!
Finally getting a chance to listen to this one. One of the best so far. Thanks as always.
Eching icastico, I'm WAY behind in my listening, but your preview track moves this one up near the top of the pile. Thank you _very_ much!
Actually, some of these cuts are Indonesian dangdut pop tunes done in dikir hulu style. "Buenasarang," for example, is a cover of Rhoma Irama's 1970s hit "Panasaran" ("hot and bothered," roughly translated). I suspect a couple of the other songs are dangdut also, since the lyrics are in pure Indonesian, not local Malay or Djawi, but I've only listened once....
"Dikir" is probably from the Arabic word "dhikr" or "zikr," "remembrance," which is the term used for musical performances that are also rituals intended to get closer to Allah (especially in Sufism).
wow, thanks so much for this information, richard! i thought buenasarang sounded familiar but i never would have placed it! do you suppose the artists performing here are aware of the tune's origin, or do you think it's just part of the dikir hulu repertoire now?
that is definitely interesting concerning "dikir" etymology.. naturally, must be the origin of "liké" as well! fascinating, thanks again!
hey peter! I'm sure they know it's Rhoma Irama--that song, along with "Begadang" ("Staying Out Late") were huge throughout Islamic Southeast Asia, not just Indonesia. Malaysians all know the songs, for example. Rhoma was also a film star before US imports destroyed the Indonesian film industry in the 1990s. So lots of ways to get his music with his identity attached.
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